Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's none of my business

I was reading the Facebook news about the little brown poodle dog being abused and the video clip for 15 minutes of abuse was published in YouTube. Many people wrote on facebook to show their concern for the poor dog. However, there's one lady wrote something like this, it is no use for people to write on facebook telling their anger on the issue as this matter is none of their business. It is up to the dog owner how to treat the animal.

Many times we have the same mentality with the lady. We try to avoid issues that is not directly concerned us. Sometimes things may happened just next us and we treat it as nothing happened. We tell ourselves, try to avoid conflicts or troubles by not interfering in the case. Didn't we realised that our silence may allow hurts or even death to a person or animal.

I felt sorry for the poor dog which is so helpless and fearful of its owner. It may felt confused and angry. Confused why human is so unpredictable. Sometimes pad its head to show love and sometimes ill treated him, made him stand on back legs for a long time which is not a natural things for dog. It felt angry because its loving affection was returned with abuse and pain. Ordinary dogs naturally are very loving and like to draw close to human. They will not attack people without a cause.

Does the matter really not concern me? May be we don't really know God.

When Isrealites were abused in Eygpt during OT time. If God were to take the attitude of it does not concern me, today Isrealites will remain living in Eygpt, as slaves.

Didn't God summon his people not to collect their crops to the fullest, try to leave some for widows, orphans and foreigners who stay in the country? Did God told Isrealites to care for their own issues only? Didn't God care for widows, orphans and the helpless one? Didn't God say to love your neighbours as yourself? No matter how bad a person is, he or she will not simply hurt themself. They will not inflict injury or pain to self.

Human (creatures) are walking against the rules of our creator (God). We violate the rules and guidance of God, which intention is to bring an upholding and healthy society. In return we hurt ourselves through ways of life that is unhealthy, chaos, careless etc.

It is concerned us. We are in the big society of the World. We are living in the same planet earth. If we are not careful, the virus of careless living, hatred, no self-control, selfishness, indiference will one day find us. Do you want to be affected with virus or you want to get rid of the virus before it is too late?

I definitely want to live in a warm society. Not in a cold cold corner of the world by myself.