Thursday, June 2, 2011

Resources and me

I just read an article concerning a law in Germany. People who waste food will be fined. In the article the writer quote the officer's word "ORDER WHAT YOU CAN CONSUME, MONEY IS YOURS BUT RESOURCES BELONG TO THE SOCIETY. THERE ARE MANY OTHERS IN THE WORLD WHO ARE FACING SHORTAGE OF RESOURCES. YOU HAVE NO REASON TO WASTE RESOURCES."

What a profound philosophy! So thoughtful and appropriate! To think deeper, isn't wasteful will lead of shortage of resources? In addition, I think spending resources without replenishing resources will add on the wasteful effect.

In modern days, people spend so much of natural resources yet the replenishment of it is slow and little. We keep on downsizing natural jungles, instead we build concrete jungles which can never be compared to nature jungles. God created a wonderful world with perfect ecology system but human being slowly destroying it by our way of life. We pay little attention to the need to maintain healthy ecology system, claiming that we have money and we can spend it whaever way we want. We say we have to make progresses, developments and that is the sign of growth. Some natural things has to go to make soom for modernization. But sad to say that we use our money to spend wastefully on resources yet doesn't bring us the much advancement in life. There are still lots of people out there living in quite primitive lifesyle.

Oh human, don't you know that at the end of the day, we all have to give an account for everything we have done? Don't you know that we are just fellow steward of God's universe? The German officer said it right! Resources do not belong to us. It is meant to be shared by all human being on planet earth. God lend it to us, not sell it to us. We are not it's owner.

Having this thought will definitely change our way of life. We will in turn appreciate all the things we have or come across. Having a sip of coffee will be more meaningful and refreshing to our soul. We tends to give thank to the mighty Creator for the earth, the farmer for the beans, and the various service providers that bring the coffee to our table.

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